Hydrosol GmbH & Co. KG has developed a CLEAN LABEL Fruit & Vegetable Fibre System (Stabisol FFP 3) which provides viscosity, mouthfeel and water binding.
It is ideal for use in fruit preparations for yogurts and desserts, fruit fillings for pies and baked goods and fruit concentrates.
Stabisol FFP 3 is stable in hot/cold process conditions and provides freeze-thaw and bake stability.
It can be used to remove or reduce starch as well as fruit content and provides a good pulpy texture.
Apple puree with Stabisol FFP3 before (microwave heating) Apple puree with Stabisol FFP3 after (microwave) heating Apple puree with Clean Declaration Starch before (microwave) heating Apple puree with Clean Declaration Starch after (microwave) heating[/grid]
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